I swear yesterday my little girl was this super adorable, seeking to please, mega helper. But for some reason my little girl woke up determined to be crowned the Whining Queen. I then end up trying to be Serious Queen. Don't get me wrong, she is still super adorable, pleasing, and super mega helper. But now when ever I ask her to do something or tell her it is time to end an activity she tries to argue.
Seriously, it feels like she is arguing, but that description just doesn't seem right. It isn't that she is trying to say I am wrong or she is right, it is just she feels the need to say the exact opposite of what she is has been asked/told to do. They say in the articles that you are suppose to let your toddler be part of the decision making, give her options, and embrace her independence. I do embrace it and hope that she continues to grow into a strong, independent young lady, but still mommy knows best.
How do you get past this part? How do you keep your cool while trying to de-throne the Whining Queen? We have consequences and stern voices to counteract the impromptu tears and fake whine induced hiccups. But sometimes I catch my self wagging my finger a bit more than I ever wanted too. Then of course she cries and says I am hurting her feelings by being so serious with her. Well, do what you are told and I won't be serious or you are hurting my feelings by not listening.
So what I have determined is she is starting to test her limits, learn more about reactions and consequences, as well as be a kid who just wants her way. My commitment to her is to maintain the limits, teach her manners, teach her how to express herself and love her through her reign of royal whining period. I also commit to be consistent with consequences so that she can learn and to maintain a home that allows her to grow but with boundaries and expectations.
I have to remind myself that this is just a phase and that really she is wonderful 90% of the time. She is very easy going, loving, and good mannered. She impresses me daily with how well she acts. I guess that is also why these little whining out bursts throw me for such a loop, they are so unlike her.
Hopefully, the Queen of Whining will succumb and vacate our kingdom quickly.