It is my mission to be a very organized person. I keep things in files, in storage bins, neat on a shelf, etc. This can sometimes prove to be a challenge when you have a small child. While my daughter also exhibits good organizational skills and puts things away, sometimes the creative genes are louder than the type A genes.
Now only if I could get her Nana to pay a bit more attention to my style and appreciate it more rather than look at me like I am crazy. Every person has a way of doing things and in their home it is the "right" way.
Another note, I am not crazy. I am extremely organize. That's right, I inventory the freezer, I set the menu for the day the night before, I can't sleep well if the sink is full, and I dispize crumbs on the counter. None of these things make me crazy, they make me a good homemaker.
I make menus and inventory the freezer so I can stay within my grocery budget. As a single mom, you have to to these things in order to not over extend yourself and make the most of the food you have.
I don't like crumbs on the counter or a sink full of dishes because I want things to be neat and I do not want to give fruit flies any reason to visit our kitchen.
Yes I know that I am a bit on the crazy side when I have to reload the dishwasher, but there is a system to that too. :-)
And yes, I do list a menu for my daughter for Nana to follow, because her dad and I have a very high standard when it come to nutrition for her. While we do not serve organic everything and do let her have sweets, on occassion, and such we do want her to get her five servings of fruits and veggies and make sure she is drinking enough milk and water. My mom has unique ideas on what is healthy and what is not, and I just want to make sure my daughter is getting the right lessons. I know grandma's are suppose to give sweets and yummy things, but Jell-o is not a source of protein and taking the skin off fried chicken is not the same as baking chicken in the oven. Just so you know.
So in a nutshell, I like order, I like organization, even my kid likes these things. And I just ask that you respect these ideals so that I can trust my daughter in your care. I know she is safe, but it is better to know that she is getting the same lesson from all of the adults in her life.
And, I am not crazy. :-)