Disclaimer: This post is more about being a single woman than a single mom.
Being a single mom can be very rewarding most of the time, hard a few times, and also very freeing. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love being a mom. Some would say that being a single mom is really hard and draining. While it has it's moments, I find it has a great balance. But I am very lucky that I have a great co-parent that is an amazing dad. We have mastered a great schedule that gives security to our daughter as well as gives us individual time that we can depend on.
I have evenings and weekends that I can depend on to use how I want. I can plan happy hours, hanging out with friends, movie nights, etc. I can plan and execute quick(er) shopping trips to places like the grocery store and/or Costco.
I have been divorced since 2009 and for awhile I wasn't ready to date another person. But last year, around this time, I let go of a lot of baggage and decided it was time to get out there and date. I had a few dates, but then it ended quickly. I enjoyed hanging out with another person, enjoyed feeling special, etc. While that dating trip stalled out, I enjoyed the short ride.
When you get a divorce I think everyone goes through a mourning period and everyone takes on dating at their own pace. For some they are able to start dating as soon as the separation begins, others have to wait until everything is final, and others (like me) need to take a few extra breaths to ensure they are ready. In 2012 I was fully to date and have some fun. I was ready to be around someone who appreciates me, compliments me, comforts me, and desires me. I am not looking to get married any time soon and I do not want any more kids, but I do want to share my life with another adult.
That lends to the question of "now what?" Universe...Bring It! I am ready for it.
My now what included going the ol' online dating route, hanging out with an old friend, and of course meeting new friends at the bar.
After a few bad and awkward dates, I finally met someone that I ended up having a lot of fun with. We dated a few months, but then he suggested we "just be friends" and we ended things. Then I was asked out by an amazing man that continues to make me smile. I have found someone who likes me for me, likes kids and isn't afraid of the responsibility and we have a great time together. I am lucky to be a single parent with a great co-parent so that I can have the time to explore this relationship and make time for it. So we will see how the it goes and enjoy being "back out there."