Saturday, July 3, 2010

Boring but had to get it out there

So far I am not the ultimate champion of my own issues, but I am getting there.  Not so fixated on the scale or the mommy uniform, but could improve a few things.
Doing a good job of being active and I am trying to give myself a break a bit. My office has recently moved across campus and I am trying to take advantage of it.  I have continued to park in my old lot near the old building and walk across campus to my new office, about 13 minutes.  I pop in my iPod and go.  If I have to stop at a crosswalk I do calf raises while I wait.  Every day this kills but hopefully this is worth it.
I had to go by my new bus pass and decided to walk from the office during lunch time.  With this walk and from/to my car I walked for 40 minutes!
This is just week one and I can't expect to see results over night, but I can stay on track.
My next goal is to get up early and work out before work.  I need to get my ass on the treadmill.  It is in Gabbi's playroom, and seriously why can't I work out while she plays.  We could still engage and talk while we both do something we like.
It is just so hard to get up that early.  Any tips?

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