Friday, January 7, 2011

Working Mommy

Back in October, my job ended and  I started the ever challenging task of job searching.  But during this time I have had the greatest opportunity to be at home with my daughter.  I have said it many times, but she is my life's greatest achievement and I will never doubt that.

While I have cherished all of this time as a stay at home mom, I do miss working outside of the home.  But often as I am doing my daily tasks or weekly errands I find myself asking, how am I going to get all this done, spend time with Gabbi, and work.  I love working and I love being a very present mom and I only hope that I can find a balance when the time comes for me to go back to work.   

As I continue to look for a job and continue to think positively about the search, I try to think of how I can install balance in my live when I go back to work.  So far one of my favorite way is the weekly menu.  I have tried this in the past for me when I used weight watchers, but now I look at it as a way to add order to my home.  I sit down each weekend to create the weeks menu for Gabbi and I.  This allows me to take the time to see what I currently have in the fridge and freezer.  I was amazed how much I had in the freezer.  Where did all this food come from?  Anyhow, after some planning I also end up with my grocery list.  With this in hand my experience at the grocery store also feels more meaningful.  It actually feels like I accomplish more on the shopping excursion and it limits my impulse purchases to nearly zero.

So whether you are work out of the home mom or a work at home mom (or SAHM) try a weekly or monthly menu.  They provide you with some direction when the kiddo is asking what is for lunch/dinner, provides direction down the grocery isle, and can even save you money.

Others will also suggest that you plan your meals while browsing through the Sunday grocery adds.  I also suggest freezing portions of your yummy meals if you have made too much.  It is easy to grab something to thaw in the morning and you won't be throwing out moldy leftovers because you forgot they were in the fridge.

One week in to the new year with this new menu plan and it feels great!  For example, it was helpful when Nana asked what she should give my daughter for lunch and I just had to refer her to the menu on the fridge.

Watch out 2011, SuperMom is here!!

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